Thursday, April 12, 2007

Question 1

1. Clear and concise (no waffling)
2. Individualistic
3. Has plenty of pictures, diagrams, hyperlinks and other stimuli
4. Information is correct and current
5. Information is interesting and requires the reader to engage in higher order thinking
6. Includes material for all kinds of learning styles
7. Cognitive tools for deeper learning
8. Links to other relevant sites
It is important to have links such as the one above as it covers points 6 and 8 in the list. The website is based on Gardners' multiple intelligences and covers 9 different intelligences. It provides games, websites and other creative and useful information for each intelligence and so is useful to all learners. The games are a fun and interesting way for people to learn and it keeps the learners engaged. An example of one the games is hyperlinked to the picture above.

Diagrams such as the one above are essential in a blog when trying to explain something. Diagrams are a simple and effective way of explaining complex ideas and theories. The visual stimulation engages the learner and makes them think about the topic and what the diagram really means. They interpret the information to make it fit their existing schema and understanding of the topic. Thus they achieve a greater understanding of the subject matter.

Videos are another important component of a good blog. It engages all learners especially those who are visual learners. It breaks up the writing on the page thus drawing people's attention and keeps them from losing focus. It also provides a visual depiction of the information the author wants portrayed.

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